Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A visit to the Grandparents

Brooke and I went up to Dallas for a week to spend with my family. She doesn't get to see them to often but she had a blast. of course by the time we left she had warmed up to everyone and was acting herself again. Crazy energizer bunny. I kept telling my mom that's she so busy and now she knows. Hahaha. She is fun to play with. She is starting to say words more and I have found she likes to call me Monica. Especially when she is mad at me. "momaca"!! I have to tell her mommy, but hopefully that will stop soon.We went to the park alot, to burn out her energy. So much fun. brooke loves the swings and the horses with springs(whatever their called.


Kristen said...

I love momaca. Too cute. Don't you want to keep it? Merry Christmas.

clueless llama said...

i think their called SPRINGY HORSES!!!

Angela S said...

Momica is awesome! Both our boys went through phases of calling Reed Reed. Tyler got to where he could say Angela and so he tried that too. The trick for us was just making sure we limit calling each other by our names and call each other honey or hon or papa or momma. There is nothing better than having your two year old call you hon.